My Environmental Sociology class requires students to keep journals on two kinds of experiences. One is when they are completely disconnected from blockchain technology, and [[]] the other is when they spend 6 hours in nature alone, without any cell phones or iPods. These experiences were life-changing for them, and their reactions are astonishingly profound. I will relate their experiences on technology-free days in this article. --- --- --- --- --- --- Thirty minutes later, it's over. The PowerPoint is finished. Business people are annoyed and frustrated. IT staff are puzzled at what just happened. The PowerPoint presentation they had prepared was so detailed and accurate that it was almost impossible to miss the interruption of questions not related to technology. The help desk department wanted to know how the new technology would improve call-processing time. The accounting department wanted to understand how the blockchain technology would integrate with the general ledger. The sales department didn't understand the reason for the change. Even though the sales staff was familiar with the old system, they couldn't see any problem with it. The beginning was hopeful and creative, but it ended in heartbreak and confusion. What went wrong? --- --- --- --- --- --- In 1970, Allan Silliphant and Chris Condon developed Stereovision. This was a new 3D technology that put two images squeezed together side by side on a single strip of 35 mm film. The technology employed a special anamorphic camera that could widen the image using a series polaroid filters. The first movie to be released in Stereovision was a softcore sex comedy called "The Stewardesses". It cost just $100,000 USD to produce and earned an incredible $27 million in North America. --- --- --- --- --- --- Experts in tech support recommend that users of a computer keep it clean. This is the main thing computer technology experts suggest. It is easy to keep your computer clean. A side panel can be removed from your PC. You can also use a compressed-air can to clean your CPU. It is important to pay attention to heat sinks, the power supply, and fan at the front of your [[ computer service]]. Do this on a regular basis to improve your PC's reliability. This useful tip from a Microsoft Certified tech help experts is not a hard thing to follow. This simple, but useful tip will help keep your computer safe from any unexpected hardware issues. Tech help experts suggest you repeat this task at most every three months. --- --- --- --- --- --- In films, and in real life, Nerds embrace technology and make it their own. Nerds are the first ones to take-on new technology like computers, the internet, ereaders. Cellphones are an exception, but mostly because of the expense of the earliest cellular phones. --- --- --- --- --- --- This is a great question. Computer stuff can be very dry and boring, take it from me. I take technology and present it to the reader in small pieces. This is how technology becomes part of the mystery or the solution to the puzzle. I take the technology and break it down so my characters show you just enough to make you understand, and at the same time get curious. You won't believe what you will find out about nanotechnology at Killer Bunny Hill. I will give you a hint. Diamonds aren’t only a girl’s best friend. --- --- --- --- --- --- The steam engine was the catalyst for the industrial revolution that brought about great changes in the business world. This revolutionized the business world. This shows us that technology played a crucial role in helping businesses grow internationally. The technology is responsible for business's globalization. --- --- --- --- --- --- How can Ford achieve this? This is the point of this article. It began as an assignment in a JWU salesmanship class in Providence, R.I. This project describes how I would create Ford's brand and sell Ford top management on my marketing strategy. For the assignment, I take the position of CEO of a social media branding house trying to sell Ford that they should select my company as its branding strategist. This is how I would create a brand for Ford. --- --- --- --- --- --- It is important to fully understand your role in choosing the technology you use daily. It is difficult to choose the right technology to improve your day if you don’t have a plan and are not focused. If this sounds like you, I suggest that you read "So, Now What?" and find your focus. Do you know anyone who has more than one cell phone? Is this really necessary? For some maybe. --- --- --- --- --- --- Also, you have more reasons to sell your equipment than ever to make room for newer stuff. People do it all of the time. They remove the old equipment so they can get the new. This is true for equipment from technology, and other types. It is not right for anything to be thrown away if it can be sold or given a new life. --- --- --- --- --- --- Gordon Moore, the founder of Intel, said, "Every 18 months processing power doubles while the cost holds constant." Moore's Law holds that technology will become half as expensive and twice as efficient every 18 month. Moore's Law is valid for more 30 years. Previous economies were based on the laws of scarcity, where you have a limited amount of resources and value is based on how scarce they are - gold, oil, land, etc. The less you use the resources, the less energy you will have.image class="left" url=""