Medical use There are a variety of methods to manage lymphedema, however none of them seem to be highly effective. This technique is not extensively studied in regards to its effectiveness in managing lymphedema. An interventional radioologist from internal medicine, medical surgery , reviewed 2021's manual lymph drainage procedure in relation to breast cancer. The review did not find evidence that this intervention proved effective in relieving breast cancer symptoms or treating women suffering from lymphadema.

Medical Use. Manual lymphatic drainage has been proven to be effective in relieving swelling caused by lymphedema in a majority of patients. This is especially applicable when the cause of swelling isn't an wound or infection or wound repair, but instead a result of over exertion from repeated activity or inadequate control. The swelling typically appears first on the limbs, and then it spreads to the other parts of the body over time. This condition may lead to infection and the inability to get sufficient lymph flow.

Benefits. Manual lymph drainage can offer relief to many patients suffering from lymphedema. However the benefits of manual lymph drainage go far beyond the reduction of pain and swelling. The treatment system also offers health benefits, including prevention and improvement of immune system's functions. It also protects vital structures like the brain and lungs. Additionally, it is believed that the benefits of this therapy are especially beneficial during the recuperation phase after an illness, particularly when the illness is caused by an injury or surgery.

What are the benefits? There isn't any evidence to support or endorse the assertion that massage as a treatment for lymphedema will cure the condition. There have been reports that those who have used the massage technique have experienced relief from pain and swelling. Manual lymphatic massage should not, like other therapies be applied to those who are allergic to massage or taking any medication. If you have any of these conditions , it would be wise to discuss the possibility of using this technique with your physician prior to commencing any treatment.

Can This Technique Be Used In Treating Lymphedema? Yes, massage is beneficial in relieving swelling and pain associated with lymphedema. However, it should be used under the guidance of a trained professional as there are some contraindications and limitations on the use of this therapy for lymphedema. This includes not using compression bandaging, having a baby or having an iron deficiency, undergoing surgery or having any other medical condition.

Can I Perform The Massage On My Own? Yes, you can do the manual lymphatic drainage massage on your own, however a more targeted massage may be needed to help reduce swelling. To perform a lymphatic drainage massage, you'll need the following items including a soft towel hand-gloves, washcloth and the oil of your choice, such as lavender oil or cocoa butter. To prepare your skin for salination you'll also require salt and water. A manual lymph drainage massage is possible by yourself. You can also perform it in your bathroom.

What are the benefits of a Manual Lymph Drainage When I Have Breast Cancer? The use of a manual lymphatic drain in the event of breast cancer is a good option, especially after breast cancer surgery. In actual fact, there have been several instances where patients have felt better after a manual lymphatic drain procedure instead of receiving an infusion. Many doctors believe that massage therapy could be beneficial to patients suffering from all types of cancer. This includes patients who have just had breast surgery.

This is a quick overview of this amazing technique. There are many uses for a manual drainage massage. This particular technique can be employed to improve and strengthen the entire body, boost lymph fluid production fight infection, and relieve discomfort. It can be used as part of an herbal treatment program to treat a variety of conditions such as:

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